4 Ways to Help Your Child Develop a Love for Math

How is your child liking Maths so far? From playing fun Maths games to using an abacus to aid with calculations, read about how you can foster your little one's love for Maths with these exciting activities!

Many children struggle with math, finding it challenging and intimidating. Yet the truth is that many of these same children could discover an aptitude for the subject had they only been introduced to it differently.

Developing a positive attitude towards math from an early age can make all the difference. Taking the fear out of it and transforming it into an appealing topic can be crucial for children’s eventual academic success. 

Today, we’ll help you with that by exploring practical and effective ways parents can engage their children in math-related activities and games. This not only shows you how to help your child ace learning math, but also make it a subject they love.  

Many children struggle with math, finding it challenging and intimidating. Yet the truth is that many of these same children could discover an aptitude for the subject had they only been introduced to it differently.

Developing a positive attitude towards math from an early age can make all the difference. Taking the fear out of it and transforming it into an appealing topic can be crucial for children’s eventual academic success. 

Today, we’ll help you with that by exploring practical and effective ways parents can engage their children in math-related activities and games. This not only shows you how to help your child ace learning math, but also make it a subject they love.  

Build a solid math foundation with an abacus

An abacus is a traditional counting tool used for performing arithmetic calculation, and it’s probably one of the oldest tools used for teaching math to young children. Don’t let that fool you, though: it’s still one of the best!

Introduce the abacus to your child as a unique and effective way of learning math. It lays a strong foundation for math skills, helping children develop a solid understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts in a tactile and visual way.

As children master abacus calculations, they can also gain confidence in their math abilities, which motivates them to excel in other math-related areas. This is how something as simple as abacus maths can cultivate a love for the subject! 

Boost their confidence 

One huge confidence booster for anyone is when they find a skill they can master. So, help them find something they’re good at in the subject.

For example, let your child solve a problem that covers a mathematical topic that you’ve noticed they grasp quite well. When they do it, praise their learning and effort. This will give them a sense of accomplishment and motivate them to keep going. 

If your child believes that they are good at something, they will be more inclined to keep learning about it. This can lead them to practising their math and eventually coming to love the subject naturally. 

Apply math in real-life scenarios

Math is useful in everyday life, but most children don’t immediately notice that. This often leads them to think of math as something that has little relevance to their lives outside of the classroom.

So, try to use experiential learning to demonstrate real-life applications of math concepts. It’s a great way to show them why learning math can be useful.

If you want experiential learning examples in math, try to involve your child in activities like cooking, where they can measure ingredients and understand fractions when dividing pizza.

Or take them on a shopping trip and engage them in budgeting and calculating discounts, comparing prices (for toys they want, for instance), or even just simple money counting.

The idea behind this is to show them that math is relevant to their world. It’s something that they can use to achieve or acquire things they want. 

When they see that math is also all around them, they’re more likely to start viewing it without intimidation. Make its use and presence as familiar and normal as possible!

Make math fun with games and activities 

Math is more than just numbers on a page! Unfortunately, most kids don’t realise that – so you have to show it to them.

Incorporate fun math games into your child's routine, for example. This can turn learning into playtime, sparking curiosity and a positive attitude towards the subject.

Playing games with your child can even lead your child to associate math with good things. If they feel like learning math is rewarding (due to the aspect of play in it), then they’re more likely to seek it out themselves. 

Use fun and interactive approaches to teach mathematical concepts. There’s no shortage of options, from board games to online math games.

There are even card games that rely on doing simple sums to win. Plus, there are interactive apps that make learning math enjoyable. 

Build your child’s math skills today!

As you can see, there are so many ways to help children develop a real appreciation for math, from turning it into something they associate with fun to showing them its relevance to their daily lives.

Above all, you want to support your child’s progress at every stage. That’s why you should remember to celebrate their achievements to bolster their own interest in the subject. 

And if your child happens to need more help, you can always reach out to us! At Aspire Hub, we not only have small class sizes but also dedicated coaches, ones who come up with personalised study plans for your child. 

Get in touch with us to learn more and get your child the guidance he or she needs.