5 Reasons Why a Typical Tuition Centre Wouldn't Work for Your Child

“I have been to so many tuition centres and have spent so much, but it’s not working! Why?”This is a common cry of parents who have invested time and money into finding suitable tuition classes for their child. At a point in every parent’s life, one often has to cherry-pick a suitable tuition centre for their child. Although this seems like an easy task, there are often many aspects that a parent has to consider. There is now a wide range of tuition centres which offer the apparent desired result. However, despite painstakingly sourcing for the best tuition classes for their child, parents often face disappointment as the results fall short. Why is this so?Here are 5 reasons why typical tuition centres wouldn’t work for students.


Most tuition centres are fixated with the idea of classroom teaching. In this sense, students are taught with a One-Size-Fits-All approach which is similar to the type of learning seen in schools. 

This makes it difficult to identify and address relevant weaknesses students might have which then hinders any possible improvement they could make as there is an assumption that all students face similar difficulties and challenges.


Since most centres adopt classroom teaching, there is no necessity for the creation of customized portfolios for students. Instead, most centres handle students’ portfolios through the use of standardised materials and generic feedback. 

Little is done in terms of keeping track of the progress made in each individual’s portfolio. In this 1-way relationship, the learning experience exists purely based on what the coach decides to provide for the student in terms of learning content. 

Solutions and strategies for improvement are also controlled by the coach without any form of intervention. Without any direct feedback in the exchange between parents and coaches to review the child’s learning, parents have very little opportunity to observe and be made aware of their child’s progress and growth.


At many tuition centres, coaches are often part-timers who are transitioning between jobs or phases in life. 

Although they could be experienced and have more flexible schedules, their availability could be inconsistent in the long run.


Although tuition requires experienced coaches who are familiar with the syllabus and are able to teach relevant content, more often than not, lessons seem to be dry with a lack of engagement due to the routine approach many centres take on. 

This makes attending lessons at tuition centres something that students eventually come to dread and fear.


Most tuition centres can be results driven such that emphasis is placed merely on spoon-feeding information and drilling exercises. Thought to be sure-fire techniques to churn out A* students, this is what coaches use in their classes whenever they teach. 

However, this form of learning becomes dreary and the entire experience becomes less impactful and fruitful.

Although a tuition centre becomes less appealing due to these fundamental flaws, the overall impact of tuition could still be pronounced if these areas are rectified. 

In an ideal world, all of these issues would be addressed if these tuition centres are able to realise their shortcomings and work towards improving them. That, sadly is not the case. 

Fortunately, there is a suitable learning centre that offers what is necessary to help a child realise his true potential.


At Aspire Hub, our coaches are qualified, dedicated, full-time employees who are driven by passion. Each of our students have a customized learning programme, achieved through specialised and tailored approaches which caters directly to the needs of every individual. 

Every student’s portfolio is handled by a coach in a personalised manner. From the point of contact, coaches profile students to identify their strengths and areas of weakness. 

Based on the students’ needs, coaches will address gaps in the students’ conceptual knowledge while reinforcing their strengths. This is done through Cooperative Learning[1], a strategy which helps students internalize knowledge through relevant application. 

Aside from educating students by teaching them relevant content, coaches focus on cultivating the right mindset towards learning that goes beyond spoon-feeding and rote learning.

Instead of drilling exercises, coaches utilise elements of problem-based learning and highlight the relevance of concepts to real-world situations, challenging them to think critically beyond the mere regurgitation of facts. This cultivates in students the ability to evaluate and analyse problems across any given discipline.

The friendly disposition of our coaches allows students to feel comfortable and open with them. Our coaches go beyond simply being teachers; they often take on the additional role of being mentors to students. 

Through maintaining good rapport with our students, our coaches inspire them to take responsibility and establish purpose in their learning, guiding them step-by-step towards achieving both their academic and life goals.

Aspire Hub believes in establishing a unique tripartite relationship between coach, parent and student. Be it through our bi-annual Parents-Teachers Meeting sessions or informal discussions after lessons, our coaches keep parents in the loop of their child’s progress regularly so that both parents and coaches can work together to provide the student with the best, most suitable help.

3. Create a study plan

It will be easier to concentrate if you have a plan to follow, as opposed to just going along with what the day brings or what your mood dictates. 

Create a study plan that’s as detailed as possible. Instead of simply writing “study science and maths on Tuesday,” you can try to be specific by jotting down the following in your study journal:

  • Study Biology on Tuesday, 9 AM
  • Read pages 35-50 in Chapter 3.
  • Go over your past test papers and answer the questions again. 
  • Take a break at 10:30 AM to grab a snack and drink coffee
  • Create a summary diagram
  • Move on to Maths at exactly noon. 

By doing this, you have a clear goal of what you need to achieve before the day ends. 

Just a reminder here not to overpack your schedule. It can cause you to feel more stressed out to check off everything on your list. Schedule some breaks or buffer periods in between, so relax and clear your mind.

Aspire Hub addresses many of the issues one may face when choosing a learning centre, especially since one has to consider a coach’s qualifications, their style and pedagogical approach as well as their commitment. 

Despite that, it is without a doubt that Aspire Hub can deliver a holistic learning experience to many who are not just hoping to excel in their academics but to excel at life.


[1] Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject.