School Holiday Learning: 5 Activities for Your Child to Try This December

Any plans with your child for the December school holidays? Turn it into a productive and memorable break with these fun learning activities for kids!

2023 is nearly over! With the December school holidays coming, you have a prime opportunity to sustain your child’s growth even during the holidays.

For instance, you can use this time to explore new interests, develop new skills, and so on. To that end, here’s a list of unique and creative learning activities that can help your child make the most of the year’s end while continuing to grow.

2023 is nearly over! With the December school holidays coming, you have a prime opportunity to sustain your child’s growth even during the holidays.

For instance, you can use this time to explore new interests, develop new skills, and so on. To that end, here’s a list of unique and creative learning activities that can help your child make the most of the year’s end while continuing to grow.

1. Explore the wonders of marine life and ecosystems at SEA Aquarium

This is an absolutely amazing activity to get into during the December school holidays if your child loves the oceans and marine life! Even better if you do too!

The public programmes from the SEA Aquarium let you get a closer look at what the oceans’ animals need or do to live. You can also get behind-the-scenes peeks at how the aquarium’s staff help out, specifically for conservation. 

The beauty of this learning experience is that it comes with its own dynamic visuals. The marine life is right there for the children to marvel at even as they learn everything from how to breed hatchlings to how biologists have to acclimate fish to new surroundings. 

This is a wonderful way to help your little one learn about the environment and science early on. And who knows, your child may just be a marine biologist in the making!

2. Stimulate their creativity with the National Gallery’s children’s exhibit

Here’s another of our favourite school holiday activities in Singapore, especially for creative or artistic children. Take your child to the National Gallery for some stimulation – specifically, to the gallery’s Children’s Biennale 2023 exhibition!

This is a perfect example of fun learning activities for kids that touch on more than one aspect of children’s growth. It’s full of artwork that’s meant to inspire little ones to make the world a better place, not least by highlighting the values of Care, Collaboration, Imagination, and Respect. 

This tells you the exhibition can promote character and social skill development. But aside from that, it also tackles other things – many installations are interactive, for example, and thus let children sharpen their senses as well as motor skills.

There are even areas where children can make their own portraits and construct forts, plus participate in music and movement workshops!

3. Organise a games night with family/friends

Is it really a list of school holiday ideas without games night? There are few better ways to spend the holidays than with loved ones engaged in friendly, fun competition.

Board games and logic games are excellent for these sorts of nights. Most of these can also develop certain skills in the little ones. 

Uno can be a good way to get them started on basic maths and numeracy, for example. Scrabble is excellent for building up vocabularies. 

Jenga is a nice way to work on their motor control and coordination. You can even play something like Exploding Kittens for both strategy and laughter!

4. Teach them to work with a team through escape rooms

For older kids, try something challenging together for your school holiday activity ideas. You can really put your minds and teamwork to the test in an escape room, in particular. 

The idea is to try and solve the puzzle of the room together so you can escape it. The best part is that a lot of these escape rooms are now available, so you can even pick one whose theme matches your or your kid’s interests. 

If they like spooky things, look for horror-themed ones, for instance. Or something like Victorian-themed rooms if they like Sherlock Holmes. It’s a great way to get your child’s brain juices flowing while also indulging in family bonding!

5. Sign up for Aspire Hub’s fun holiday activities for kids 

If you still need more ideas for fun holiday activities this month, just sign your child up for our programmes at Aspire Hub! We have a tonne of activities ready for the kids so they can keep up the learning while relaxing a little! 

Whether it’s to explore a new topic your child’s been interested in recently or to brush up on their academics, our holiday programmes make the activity fun for them. We have different options for different levels.

These include English writing programmes to hone creative writing and revision programmes for students taking national exams next year. All of our tutors also provide their usual personalised attention in lesson plans, making sure the programme is useful for the child involved.

Make the most of your holiday with your child this December!

As you can see, you have a lot of options for keeping up your child’s learning this year-end. From art gallery visits to escape room outings, there’s much to try!

The best part is that these programmes are also great opportunities for you to deepen your relationship with your child. You can even share their love for a specific topic as they indulge in it or discover a new activity both of you can do together. 

And if your child happens to be more interested in doing quieter things, remember that it counts too! For example, we wrote an article about great books for kids to read on break, and it’s actually another learning opportunity you can share with them later on (by discussing the books with them). 

At any rate, if you want to get started on preparing for your child’s enriching holidays, come and explore our programmes now! You may be astonished by the variety of options we couldn’t cover in this short piece!